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Pokaż wątki - IronShield

Strony: [1]
Rekrutacja / Tak to ja -.-
« dnia: Maj 09, 2013, 15:58:14 »
1.What is your name in Warband and on TaleWorlds?
1) Anduril Iron Shield
2 How old are you?
2) 17
3 Do you have a working microphone/headset?
3) Spoon serving me as the microphone
4 Where are you from?
4) Sargoth
5 What are you favourite classes?
5) Ib , they have a pretty girls
6 How long have you been playing?
6) Onely 2 hours but I learn quickly
7 Have you been in other clans for Warband ?
7) Yes, 2 hours I`ve been in 17 clans, 11 associations, 6 brotherhoods and 2 orders

Strony: [1]
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